Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the information that YP Software (« we » or « us ») gathers on or through the Service, how we use and disclose such information, and the steps we take to protect such information. By visiting the Site, or by purchasing or using the Service, you accept the privacy practices described in this Policy.

1. Definitions

2. What Information Do We Collect on the Service?

We collect different types of information from or through the Service. The legal bases for YP Software’s processing of personal data are primarily that the processing is necessary for providing the Service.

2.1 User-provided Information

When you use the Service, as a User or as a Visitor, you may provide, and we may collect Personal Data. Examples of Personal Data include name, email address, mailing address, mobile phone number, and billing information. Personal Data also includes other information, such as geographic area or preferences, when any such information is linked to information that identifies a specific individual. You may provide us with Personal Data in various ways on the Service. For example, when you send us customer service related requests.

2.1.1 User-provided Information accessed by the « Ultimate Customer Genderizer » application, and why it is needed:

2.2 “Automatically Collected” Information

When a User or Visitor uses the Service, we may automatically record certain information from the User’s or Visitor’s device by using various types of technology, including cookies, “clear gifs” or “web beacons.” This “automatically collected” information may include IP address or other device address or ID, web browser and/or device type, the web pages or sites visited just before or just after using the Service, the pages or other content the User or Visitor views or interacts with on the Service, and the dates and times of the visit, access, or use of the Service. We also may use these technologies to collect information regarding a Visitor or User’s interaction with email messages, such as whether the Visitor or User opens, clicks on, or forwards a message. This information is gathered from all Users and Visitors.

3. How Do We Use the Information We Collect?

We use the information that we collect in a variety of ways in providing the Service and operating our business, including the following:

3.1 Operations

We use the information to operate, maintain, enhance and provide all features of the Service, to provide the services and information that you request, to respond to comments and questions and to provide support to users of the Service. We process Client Data solely in accordance with the directions provided by the applicable Client or User.

3.2 Improvements

We use the information to understand and analyze the usage trends and preferences of our Visitors and Users, to improve the Service, and to develop new products, services, feature, and functionality. Should this purpose require YP Software to process Client Data, then the data will only be used in anonymized or aggregated form.

3.3 Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We use automatically collected information and other information collected on the Service through cookies and similar technologies to: (i) personalize our Service, such as remembering a User’s or Visitor’s information so that the User or Visitor will not have to re-enter it during a visit or on subsequent visits; (ii) provide customized content, and information; (iii) monitor and analyze the effectiveness of Service and third-party marketing activities; (iv) monitor aggregate site usage metrics such as total number of visitors and pages viewed; and (v) track your entries, submissions, and status in any promotions or other activities on the Service. You can obtain more information about cookies by visiting All About Cookies.

The following types of cookies are used in the Site:

3.4 Analytics

We use Google Analytics to measure and evaluate access to and traffic on the Public Area of the Site, and create user navigation reports for our Site administrators. Google operates independently from us and has its own privacy policy, which we strongly suggest you review. Google may use the information collected through Google Analytics to evaluate Users’ and Visitors’ activity on our Site. For more information, see Google Analytics Privacy and Data Sharing.

We take measures to protect the technical information collected by our use of Google Analytics. The data collected will only be used on a need to know basis to resolve technical issues, administer the Site and identify visitor preferences; but in this case, the data will be in non-identifiable form. We do not use any of this information to identify Visitors or Users.

4. Who Do We Disclose Information To and Why?

Except as described in this Policy, we will not intentionally disclose the Personal Data or Client Data that we collect or store on the Service to third parties without the consent of the applicable Visitor, User or Client. We may disclose information to third parties if you consent to us doing so, as well as in the following circumstances:

4.1 Unrestricted Information

Any information that you voluntarily choose to include in a Public Area of the Service, such as a public referral page, will be available to any Visitor or User who has access to that content.

4.2 Service Providers

We work with third party service providers who provide website, application development, hosting, maintenance, and other services for us. These third parties may have access to, or process Personal Data or Client Data as part of providing those services for us. We limit the information provided to these service providers to that which is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions, and our contracts with them require them to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

4.3 Non Personally Identifiable Information

We may make certain automatically-collected, aggregated, or otherwise non-personally-identifiable information available to third parties for various purposes, including (i) compliance with various reporting obligations; (ii) for business or marketing purposes; or (iii) to assist such parties in understanding our Clients’, Users’ and Visitors’ interests, habits, and usage patterns for certain programs, content, services, and/or functionality available through the Service.

We may disclose Personal Data or other information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with applicable laws, in response to a facially valid court order, judicial or other government subpoena or warrant, or to otherwise cooperate with law enforcement or other governmental agencies.

We also reserve the right to disclose Personal Data or other information that we believe, in good faith, is appropriate or necessary to (i) take precautions against liability, (ii) protect ourselves or others from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful uses or activity, (iii) investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations, (iv) protect the security or integrity of the Service and any facilities or equipment used to make the Service available, or (v) protect our property or other legal rights, enforce our contracts, or protect the rights, property, or safety of others.

4.5 Change of Ownership

Information about Users and Visitors, including Personal Data, may be disclosed and otherwise transferred to an acquirer, successor or assignee as part of any merger, acquisition, debt financing, sale of assets, or similar transaction, as well as in the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership in which information is transferred to one or more third parties as one of our business assets and only if the recipient of the User or Visitor Data commits to a Privacy Policy that has terms substantially consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Client Data may be physically or electronically transferred to an acquirer, or successor or assignee as part of any merger, acquisition, debt financing, sale of assets, or similar transaction, as well as in the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership in which information is transferred to one or more third parties as one of our business assets, for the sole purpose of continuing the operation of the Service, and only if the recipient of the Client Data commits to a Privacy Policy that has terms substantially consistent with this Privacy Policy.

5. Your Choices

5.1 Access, Correction, Deletion

We respect your privacy rights and provide you with reasonable access to the Personal Data that you may have provided through your use of the Services. If you wish to access or amend any other Personal Data we hold about you, or to request that we delete or transfer any information about you that we have obtained from an Integrated Service, you may contact us as set forth in the “How to Contact Us” section. At your request, we will have any reference to you deleted or blocked in our database.

You may update, correct, or delete your Account information and preferences at any time within the Service, or by contacting us as set forth in the “How to Contact Us” section. Please note that while any changes you make will be reflected in active user databases within a reasonable period of time, we may retain all information you submit for backups, archiving, prevention of fraud and abuse, analytics, satisfaction of legal obligations, or where we otherwise reasonably believe that we have a legitimate reason to do so. You may decline to share certain Personal Data with us, in which case we may not be able to provide to you some of the features and functionality of the Service.

At any time, you may object to the processing of your Personal Data, on legitimate grounds, except if otherwise permitted by applicable law. If you believe your right to privacy granted by applicable data protection laws has been infringed upon, please contact YP Software’s Data Protection Officer at You also have a right to lodge a complaint with data protection authorities.

This provision does not apply to Personal Data that is part of Client Data. In this case, the management of the Client Data is subject to the Client’s own Privacy Policy, and any request for access, correction or deletion should be made to the Client responsible for the uploading and storage of such data into the Service.

5.2 Navigation Information

You may opt out from the collection of navigation information about your visit to the Site by Google Analytics by using the Google Analytics Opt-out feature.

5.3 Opting Out from Commercial Communications

If you receive commercial emails from us, you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions contained within the email or by sending an email to the address provided in the “How to Contact Us” section. Please be aware that, even after you opt-out from receiving commercial messages from us, you will continue to receive administrative messages from us regarding the Service.

6. Third-Party Services

The Service may contain features or links to websites and services provided by third parties. Any information you provide on third-party sites or services is provided directly to the operators of such services and is subject to those operators’ policies, if any, governing privacy and security, even if accessed through the Service. YP Software is not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of third-party sites or services to which links or access are provided through the Service. We encourage you to learn about third parties’ privacy and security policies before providing them with information.

7. How Do We Keep Your Personal Information Secure?

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. We maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, misuse, and any other unlawful form of processing of the Personal Data in our possession. This includes, for example, firewalls, password protection, and other access and authentication controls. We use SSL technology to encrypt data during transmission through the public internet, and we also employ application-layer security features to further anonymize Personal Data.

However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or store on the Service, and you do so at your own risk. We also cannot guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by a breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. If you believe your Personal Data has been compromised, please contact us as set forth in the “How to Contact Us” section. If we learn of a security systems breach, we will inform you and the authorities of the occurrence of the breach in accordance with applicable law.

8. What Do We Do with Your Personal Information When You Terminate Your Relationship with Us?

In general, we will continue to store archived copies of your personal information for legitimate business purposes and to comply with the law, except when we receive a valid erasure request or, if you are a merchant, you terminate your account and your information is purged pursuant to our standard process.

We will continue to store anonymous or anonymized information, such as website visits, without identifiers, in order to improve our Services.

9. What We Don’t Do with Your Personal Information

We do not and will never share, disclose, sell, rent, or otherwise provide personal information to other companies for the marketing of their own products or services.

We do not use the personal information we collect from you or your customers to independently contact or market to your customers.

10. Settings

Although we may allow you to adjust your privacy settings to limit access to certain Personal Data, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures on the Service. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users with whom you may choose to share your information. Further, even after information posted on the Service is removed, caching and archiving services may have saved that information, and other users or third parties may have copied or stored the information available on the Service. We cannot and do not guarantee that information you post on or transmit to the Service will not be viewed by unauthorized persons.

11. Data Transfer

The Service is hosted in the United States. If you choose to use the Service from the European Union or other regions of the world with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, then please note that you may be transferring your Client Data and Personal Data outside of those regions to the United States for storage and processing by our service providers. We will comply with GDPR requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of personal information from Europe to the U.S. Also, we may transfer your data to the U.S., the EEA, or other countries or regions deemed by the European Commission to provide adequate protection of personal data in connection with storage and processing of data, fulfilling your requests, and operating the Service.

12. Data Controller and Data Processor

YP Software does not own, control, or direct the use of any of the Client Data stored or processed by a Client or User via the Service. Only the Client or Users are entitled to access, retrieve, and direct the use of such Client Data. YP Software is largely unaware of what Client Data is actually being stored or made available by a Client or User to the Service and does not directly access such Client Data except as authorized by the Client or as necessary to provide Services to the Client and its Users.

Because YP Software does not collect or determine the use of any Personal Data contained in the Client Data and because it does not determine the purposes for which such Personal Data is collected, the means of collecting such Personal Data, or the uses of such Personal Data, YP Software is not acting in the capacity of data controller in terms of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, hereinafter “GDPR”) and does not have the associated responsibilities under the GDPR. YP Software should be considered only as a processor on behalf of its Clients and Users as to any Client Data containing Personal Data that is subject to the requirements of the GDPR. Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, YP Software does not independently cause Client Data containing Personal Data stored in connection with the Services to be transferred or otherwise made available to third parties, except to third-party subcontractors who may process such data on behalf of YP Software in connection with YP Software’s provision of Services to Clients. Such actions are performed or authorized only by the applicable Client or User.

The Client or the User is the data controller under the Regulation for any Client Data containing Personal Data, meaning that such party controls the manner such Personal Data is collected and used as well as the determination of the purposes and means of the processing of such Personal Data.

YP Software is not responsible for the content of the Personal Data contained in the Client Data or other information stored on its servers (or its subcontractors’ servers) at the discretion of the Client or User, nor is YP Software responsible for the manner in which the Client or User collects, handles disclosure, distributes, or otherwise processes such information.

13. Changes and Updates to this Policy

Please revisit this page periodically to stay aware of any changes to this Policy, which we may update from time to time. If we modify the Policy, we will make it available through the Service and indicate the date of the latest revision and will comply with applicable law. Your continued use of the Service after the revised Policy has become effective indicates that you have read, understood and agreed to the current version of the Policy.

14. How to Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions or comments about this Policy, your Personal Data, our use and disclosure practices, or your consent choices by email at

15. Last Update

This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated above and the changes will be in effect upon posting. We will treat your Personal Data in a manner consistent with the Privacy Policy under which it was collected, unless we have your consent to treat it differently. This Policy was written in French and translated into English. In the event of any conflict between the French and English text, the French text will prevail.